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Niger. j. surg. (Online) ; 25(1): 52-59, 2019. ilus
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1267531


Aims: The aim of this study was to analyze the tobacco-related genotoxic effects in individual with habit of smoking and chewing tobacco. Materials and Methods: The present study sample consisted of 120 individuals attending the outpatient department of D. J. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh (UP). The sample was divided into four groups as follows: Group I (individuals with habit of smoking tobacco), Group II (individuals with habit of chewing tobacco), Group III (individuals with habit of smoking and chewing tobacco), and Group IV control group (nontobacco-exposed individuals). Patients were asked to rinse their mouth gently with water. The exfoliated cells were obtained by scraping the buccal mucosa of individuals with a wooden spatula. The scraped cells were placed on the precleaned slides. The smears were then stained with RAPID-PAP™ and analyzed under the microscope. Data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software. Results: In the present study, an arbitrary unit was obtained using frequency/day multiplied by the duration of years (risk multiplication factor [RMF], a positive and significant correlation were observed between the RMF and the mean percentage of micronucleated cell count in smokers, chewers, and in individuals with both smoking and chewing habit, respectively. A weak positive and nonsignificant correlation were observed between age and mean percentage of micronucleated cells in smokers and smokers + chewers, respectively, while it was weak negative and nonsignificant in chewers. In control group, correlation between age and percentage of micronucleated cells was weak positive and nonsignificant at 5% level of significance. Conclusion: The micronuclei in exfoliated mucosal cells from buccal mucosa can be used as a biomarker of genotoxicity in predicting the effects of carcinogens

India , Mouth Neoplasms , Risk
Nairobi; Ministry of Health - Republic of Kenya; 2019. 121 p.
Monography in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1277972
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1259222


Tobacco snuffing; like cigarette smoking; is known to be a common habit among the adults of Igbo communities in Nigeria. In view of the various pharmacological actions of nicotine and other additive constituents of tobacco snuff; there is growing concern that ascorbic acid; which is a vital antioxidant; and blood cell production or morphology may be affected. Objective: To investigate the possible effects of prolonged use of tobacco snuff on plasma ascorbic acid concentrations and some hematological parameters. Materials and Methods: Fifty adults of Igbo extraction (35 males and 15 females) residents in and around Enugu metropolis; who have been snuffing tobacco for 6 years and above; were recruited for the study; after they gave informed consent. Also; 50 apparently healthy; age-matched persons (25 males; 25 females); who do not smoke or take tobacco snuff; served as controls. Spectrophotometric method was adopted for ascorbic acid determination while hematological profiles were assessed by Bain method. Results: The results showed no significant difference in the measured parameters relative to the controls AA (P=0.08); Hb (P=0.19); PCV (P=0.10); RC (P=0.06); PC (P=0.20); WBC (P=0.09). Conclusion: The results of the study suggest that tobacco snuff inhalation may not adversely affect plasma ascorbic acid concentration and hematological parameters in adult humans. The study; however; has not concluded that tobacco snuffing is totally wholesome

Acids , Lakes , Lobeline , Mouth Neoplasms , Nigeria , Oxidative Stress , Pharmacologic Actions , Plant Poisoning , Rural Population , Tobacco
Non-conventional in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1274563

Mouth Neoplasms
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1264932


Les tumeurs brunes des maxillaires sont des manifestations osseuses classiques des hyperparathyroidies. Elles surviennent habituellement lors des formes severes accompagnees de signes de resorption osseuse sousperiostee. Le diagnostic repose sur l'association des signes cliniques; radiologiques et biologiques. Le traitement est celui de la cause. Cet article decrit un cas de tumeur brune touchant les deux maxillaires et revelant la presence d'un adenome parathyroidien dont l'exerese a entraine la regression de la tumeur

Denture, Partial, Removable , Giant Cell Tumor of Bone , Hyperparathyroidism , Maxillary Neoplasms , Mouth Neoplasms
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1264951


Les cancers buccaux sont dans 95% des cas des carcinomes epidermoides; dont le taux de mortalite est non negligeable. Les principaux facteurs de risque sont le tabac; l'alcool; le mauvais etat bucco-dentaire; les facteurs viraux (HPV) (1;2). De ce fait; l'arret du tabac est primordial non seulement pour prevenir la survenue d'un cancer buccal mais egalement pour le succes du traitement; car le tabagisme deteriore l'efficacite de la chimiotherapie ainsi que les therapies ciblees (Notamment la diminution de l'efficacite et l'augmentation du taux de complications). Nous proposons a travers cet article un programme personnalise de sevrage dont le protocole sera fonction du degre du tabagisme. Le medecin dentiste en adoptant une strategie de prise en charge; aura pour role d'assurer un confort du sevrage tabagique des patients en limitant les effets indesirables de l'arret du tabac

Dentists , Mouth Neoplasms , Physician's Role , Tobacco Smoking , Tobacco Use Cessation
Med. Afr. noire (En ligne) ; 43(8/9): 483-487, 1996.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1266115


Une etude d'evaluation sur les lesions tumorales des levres et des joues fut entreprise au Service de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale de l'Hopital National de Kati entre janvier 1981 et decembre 1988. L'echantillon se composait de 20 femmes (45;50 pour cent) et de 24 hommes (54;50 pour cent) avec une moyenne d'age de 30;07 ans. Le choix des patients etait accidentel ou base sur recommandations de tierces personnes. La tranche d'age la plus touchee fut celle comprise entre 19 et 45 ans; 18/44 cas (40;10 pour cent). La predominance etait masculine a 54;50 pour cent. Les ethnies les plus frequemment representees dans les consultations furent celle des Bamanans a egalite avec celle des Peulhs (25;00 pour cent chacune). Le monde paysan etait le plus touche avec 14/44 cas (36;40 pour cent). La localisation au niveau de la levre et des joues de 74;60 pour cent; celle des levres 27;20 pour cent. Les lesions tumorales etaient dominees par les carcinomes 15/44 cas (34;20 pour cent) dont 10/15 cas de carcinomes spinocellulaires (66;66 pour cent). Les patients venant de la region de Kayes representaient 15/44 cas (34;10 pour cent) devant eux de Koulikoro et du District de Bamako (31;80 pour cent)

Cheek , Lip Neoplasms/epidemiology , Mouth Neoplasms
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1271934


Oral and oropharyngeal carcinoma happens to be one of the commonest cancerous lesions in Seychelles. According to cancer registry statistics; of 621 cases of cancer from 1983 to 1991; oral and oropharyngeal carcinoma account for 9.98 per cent of all cases. An attempt has been made to analyse the age and sex of patients; the location and morphology of the carcinomas; and the prognosis; so as to present the clinicopathological features of oral and oropharyngeal carcinoma in Seychelles; with possible etiological factors

Carcinoma , Mouth Neoplasms , Pharyngeal Neoplasms/complications , Pharyngeal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Pharyngeal Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Pharyngeal Neoplasms/etiology , Pharyngeal Neoplasms/pathology , Pharyngeal Neoplasms/surgery
Odonto-stomatologie tropicale ; 16(3): 15-20, 1993.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1268200


In the village of Mtera in Tanzania 782 patients aged 0 - 60 years and visisting a health dispensary were also examined for oral health factors such as caries; dental calculus and oral mucosal lesions. Decayed teeth were found in 32 per cent of the patients being most prevalent in the lowest and highest age strata. DMFT increased steadily by age and was 0.88;1.90 and 4.75 in age groups 10;41 - 50 and 51 - 60 years; respectively. Dental calculus was not found. The amount of registered calculus increased steadily by age. These results are in positive agreement with previous findings in Tanzania. Prevalence figures of most registered oral soft tissue lesions including leukoplakia; herpes labialis and aphtous ulcers were in accordance with corresponding figures in Scandinavia. The main exception was lichenoid lesions which were infrequent in Mtera. One case of oral cancer was encountered

Dental Calculus , Dental Caries , Mouth Neoplasms , Oral Health , Rural Population